Araceae is a broad class of plants which include my favorites; Aglaonema,Antheriums, Philodendrons, Pothos & Monstera. Most of these plants make great house plants however some require a bit more humidity and light than normal. Scindapsus have been grouped in with the pothos as they often are however they are noted as scindapsus not pothos. Many of these plants are in growth or currently in propogation so if you are interested in something in particular please send us an email to inquire about availability if not listed as available.
This "Frogskin" selection has much wider leaves than the typical foliage of this pewter & green patterned species while keeping the thick lax stems--the succulent stems are not erect, but reclining. As with most "Chinese Evergreens" this flourishes in lower light and rich soil.
Stingray are very easy to grow tropical plants that require little care indoors or out. Like other aroids, many species of Alocasia can be grown as houseplants, or outdoors in mild climates. They thrive in moist soils with high organic matter and grow best when provided with filtered sunlight.
Anthurium Aemulum [heterophyllum]
An easy climber with dark green fleshy palmate leaves and cute mini green spathe flowers; equally effective weaving itself among other plants or densely clambering a wire support or mossed pole. Easy houseplant
The most common of antheriums that are generally available in the market. The white flowers are on the smaller side on this plant but just as enjoyable.
The most common of antheriums that are generally available in the market. This plant boasts a larger blood red flower with a arching yellow spath.
Anthurium bakeri can be distinguished by its moderately thin, elliptic-lanceolate blades that are reddish-brown punctate on the lower surface and have many weak primary lateral veins and conspicuously sunken collective veins.
In Growth: N/A
Anthurium brownii is found from Costa Rica to Colombia and is an epiphyte by nature. It is a tough, easy to grow plant. The ruffled edges on the sinus overlap, making it easy to identify in a crowd.
Also known as The Black Anthrium, Anthurium Cabrerense is a cool growing plant that requires higher air circulation and medium light and humidity. When grown properly you will be rewarded with the beautiful black flowers.
Anthurium Faustomirandae (Faustino's Giant) is a large growing Anthurium with giant heart shaped leaves. The leaves can measure 3 feet long and 2 to 3 feet wide.
In Growth: N/A
Anthurium Forgetii. This Aroid is always desired by collectors because of it’s unique appearance. Unlike the other Anthuriums with white veins, forgetii doesn’t have lobes or a sinus at the top of the leaf, which provides the distinct oval shape
In Growth: N/A
Gymnopus are of somewhat scandent habit, with medium to long internodes, deciduous cataphylls, and somewhat leathery, suborbicular leaf blades.
In Growth: N/A
Anthurium michelii is distinctive for its creamy green or whitish underleaf surface and bright purple berries. Also characteristic are the oblong-elliptic leaves, broadly and sharply sulcate petiole, and the frequently conspicuously stipitate spadix.
In Growth: N/A
From a distance, it looks like any other strap leafed anthurium, up close…well, prepare to be blown away! The velvet leaves absolutely glisten and sparkle. Gorgeous plant. Endemic to Ecuador.
In Growth: N/A
The semi-rare Anthurium polyschistum is unusual in collections and grows from the ground up the sides of trees or it’s seeds may be deposited by a bird on the tree and grow down toward the ground where it then deposits roots.
In Growth: N/A
In Growth: N/A
Anthurium Superbum is an easy to grow, prehistoric looking, bird nest variety Anthurium well suited for interiorscapes, containers and tropical landscapes. The elliptical leaves are rigid and arranged in a upright rosette formation.
Also known as the Swiss cheese plant, it gets its name from its large, heart-shaped leaves, which as it ages, becomes covered with holes that resemble Swiss cheese. This small leafed monstera has a vining tendenancy which makes it perfect for a hanging basket or to be grown on a moss pole.
This large leafed monstera is also sometimes refered to as a swiss cheese plant but should not be confused with monstera adansonii. These large decorative leaves are a real statement and should mostly be grown on a moss pole to accomodate its size and vining tendancy. Easy adapts to most environments making it a great houseplant.
Monstera Deliciosa Alba Variegata
Costa Rican Monstera adansohii with same clambering habit of pittieri, yet much larger stature, forming oval aperatures in the leaves when mature foliage receives very strong light.
Monstera siltepecana El Salvadore
Small bluish toned twisting javelin shaped leaves of waxy texture with darker mosaic of veins are closely "shingled" along the succulent stem which roots as it wanders--juvenile form, small enough for terrarium display, although as tolerant of exposure as any Philodendron scandens cultivar.
Similarly shaped, but smaller statured leaves than M. pittierii, but seldom forms windows until mature.The leaf surface is entirely blushed with lovely ash-silver. Possibly a Raphidophora.
This Monstera is an interesting plant with its heavely lobed segments on the leaves that almost cut into the spine. It is a mix of a clumping and climbing plant so you could either grow it in a hanger or on a pole.
Rich ivory splashes on elongated, round tipped leaves; very beautiful selection of this scandent vine shingled with soft leathery foliage of deep green slashed with ivory white. The foliage remains quite small and the internodes long (even extended at times) on this demure species most at home in a terrarium. Not the more famous Monstera deliciosa with its giant windowed leaves.
Subpinnata is a beautiful finger like variety of Monstera which can climb to heights of 22 to30 feet if allowed. Indoors this plant thrives in shady locations with 50% sunlight.
A wonderful glossy, strapped leafed, terrestrial philodendron that adds a bit of the tropics to your landscape. At maturity the leaves of this beautiful plant reach 3 feet or so in height and 4 to 6 inches in width while the stem remains underground. Very easy to maintain.
This terrestrial variety of philodendron which sports huge puffy green leaves reaching 18 inches in diameter. The plant can reach 3 ft or so in height while the stems remain underground.
Philodendron Barrosoanum Giganteum
Philodendron bipennifolium glaucous
"Blue Fiddle-leaf Philo" The small-statured leaves are a waxy bluish-gray, closely spaced. Perhaps a fixed juvenile form. This has proven a handsome & reliable houseplant; if given a moss pole to slowy climb up will beautifully display a design of overlapping shingled foliage. Photo is of young plant not yet showing full form.
Philodendron bipennifolium 'Splash Gordon'
An amazing selected waxy leaved charmer with the fiddle shaped leaves is lavishly slashed and splashed with nacre cream. This is a vining type philodendron best grown on a support or moss pole.
Philodendron 'Black Cardinal' - A low growing clumping hybrid philodendron with dark green, almost black leaves. New emerging leaves are a beautiful glossy bronze colour. A low growing, clumping philodendron.
Philodendron 'Black Cardinal' Varigated
Philodendron 'Black Cardinal' - A low growing clumping hybrid philodendron with dark green, almost black leaves. New emerging leaves are a beautiful glossy bronze colour. A low growing, clumping philodendron.
A clumping variety with broad thick leaves burgundy of top bloody red underneath. Likes to dry between waterings min temps. 55 F. Easy are houseplant. Tolerant of neglect. Likes part sun to shade.
This vining philodendron is often confused or grouped with pothos. Its wide heart shaped leaves are lined on the outside with a dark green and a yellow to cream multi layered splash down the center. Looks great in a hanging basket.
In Propigation:$5
A tough, clumping and vining philodendron. Named after a renowned Brazilian landscape architect, Roberto Burle Marx, this glossy, long leafed beauty
In Propigation: $20
Philodendron Burle Marx Varigated
A tough, clumping and vining philodendron. Named after a renowned Brazilian landscape architect, Roberto Burle Marx, this glossy, long leafed beauty
Philodendron cordatum, commonly called the Heart Leaf Philodendron for its 2-4 inch heart-shaped leaves. This philodendron is a vining type and does well either in a hanging basket allowing its vines to trail or grown on a moss pole.
In Propigation: $20
Philodendron Cordatum varigatum
Philodendron cordatum, commonly called the Heart Leaf Philodendron for its 2-4 inch heart-shaped leaves. This philodendron is a vining type and does well either in a hanging basket allowing its vines to trail or grown on a moss pole. Strongly varigated leaves
Philodendron erubescens (sometimes called Philodendron peperomia)is a climbing, tropical plant. The plant is characterised by its large almost anthurirum shaped tall large shaped green leaves.
Growing: N/A
Philodendron Erubescens "Red Emerald"
An other strong variety is "Red Emerald". This is the red variety of the Philodendron erubescens (sometimes called Philodendron peperomia) and is a climbing, tropical plant. The plant is characterised by thin, wine-red colored stalks and green, glossy leaves. Interesting when you cut this plant it bleeds red.
Available: $20
Philodendron Esmeraldense (Narrow)
Philodendron esmeraldense is a beautiful Philodendron with dark, leathery leaves. These leaves get darker with time, so be patient, as they often start out lighter. Deep white ridges form on the mature foliage. This Philodendron grows well in moderate light and a moist, well draining substrate.
Growing: N/A
Occuring in Columbia and Ecuador. The huge heart shaped leaves are a sight to see, but the fuzzy petioles are the best part. A really interesting plant.
Growing: N/A
"Blue Philodendron" This extremely slow growing rarity is one of the standouts of the scandent Philodendrons. Aluminum silver to blue over a waxy undertoned flared arrow leaves anchored on folded petioles.
Philodendron gloriosum is a species of plant in the family Araceae, genus Philodendron. It is a crawling, terrestrial plant, native to Colombia whose foliage is characterized by cordate (heart-shaped) by a velutionous surface, pink margins, and pale green, white, or pinkish veins.
Philodendron Grazielae also known as "Pigtail Philodendron" is a Very glossy compact and tightly stacked in ascending columns. concave hearts with a pigtail tip. Not hard to grow but very slow growing.
Jose Buono is a climbing, large-leaf Phil. capable of climbing 10 feet in a single season. The vines on this highly variegated plant grow to one inch or more in diameter. In captivity, indoors on a totem, Jose is easy to grow and may only need to be trimmed once a year or so.
Philodendron "Lemon Lime" is a lovely coloured philodendron, which climbs happily, but would be equally at home in a hanging basket. New leaves are a bright lime green, almost yellow, and become darker with age, so that the plant is a mixture of lighter and darker green leaves at all times. The base of the leaf stems have a faint maroon.
Philodendron Lynnhannoniae
Philodendron Longipetiolatum also known as Philodendron sphalerum.
Philodendron Lynnhannoniae
Philodendron 'Majesty' is one of the few really dark leaf Philodendron hybrids around. It is a climber and produces very dark leaves in bright light. The leaves are hastate and a bit sharp and narrow. Usually 8 inches long and 3 to 4 inches wide. As the leaves age they turn a dark green to maroon depending on the about of light they get.
This strap leafed vining philodendron grows at a very rapid rate. Long aerial Roots help support this philodendron as it grows in size and length. Mature leaves can reach 2 ft in length. A very easy to grow, rewarding plant well suited for a moss pole.
Philodendron nangaritense produces ovate, slightly round light green leaves that are reported to exceed 60cm (two feet) in width in the wild.
Growing: N/A
Philodendron painted lady is a great plant that will thrill both collectors and beginners, it's leaves begin neon yellow and only fade a bit to deeper green with heavy mottling.
The philodendron is also referred to as the oak leaf philodendron and could also appear under other names Philodendron laciniatum, Philodendron quericifolium, Philodendron amazonicum or Philodendron laciniosum. With its deeply lobed leafs it is ok with lower light and normal household humidity. A easy to grow, rewarding plant well suited for a moss pole.
Black to deep burgundy glossy heart-shaped tropical foliage that is splashed and flecked with white and pink. An easily grown indoor or tropical plant that is sure to make a statement. This is a slow growing vine-like philodendron which can be trained to a support or allowed to trail in a hanging basket.
Another great varigated philo. Each leaf comes out with multicolored splashes, streaks and sections of white and cream. Great hard to find, yet easy to grow philo. This climbing aroid gets a more dramatic sawtooth pattern as it climbs and matures great on a moss pole.
This is an sport of the Brasil Philodendron. It's variegation patterns and color is stable. Bright silver and white center stripe instead of the traditional lighter green or yellow pattern on the traditional Brasil.
In Propigation:$15
Philodendron Selloum [bipinnatifidum]
Brazil's "Lacy Tree Philodendron" remains the most reliable of dramatic houseplants with large deeply lobed leathery leaves radiating from the thick succulent trunk sprouting curious aerial roots and greenish white flowers.
Philodendron smithii is not easily confused with any other species in Central America. It is most similar to P. panamense, which is endemic to Panama, and shares with that species similarly dark-drying ovate-triangular, long-petiolate blades and long-pedunculate inflorescences.
Philodendron Sodiroi is an interested plant with its beautiful leaves splashed with a silver overlay. This vining type philo enjoys medium light and a good amount of humidity. Grown properly the leaves can become an amazing size.
In Propigation $50
Philodendron subhastatum is a species with green long leaves. The leaves get 2 feet in length and 4 to 6 inches wide. Even thought the plant does not have a lot of color it is a nice grower and can make a show once grown up a totem. The back of the leaves show a lovely red to burgany color.
Tenue is a very rare, large leaf variety of climbing philodendron with beautiful rippled leaves that can reach 3 feet in length. It is moderately fast growing and produces several branches while climbing.
Growing: N/A
This climbing philodendron features large heart-shaped leaves which begin pale and darken with age, juvenile leaves feature a maroon pattern on the underside.
Philodendron Verrucosum Giganteum
The Philodendron Xanadu, sometimes referred to as Philodendron Winterbourn, is a large compact easy to grow plant. Each shiny green leathery leaf has 15-20 distinct lobes. A Xanadu is often wider than it is tall, reaching a height of 2-4ft. and a width of 3-5ft in ideal conditions.Xanadu is an upright plant not a climber or vine.
This pothos is certainly different than the others. Its long narrower leaves have a silver blue haze that makes it stand out in the pothos crowd. Beautiful grown in a hanging basket or letting it trail.
In Propigation:$7.50
Epipremnum aureum Golden Pothos are one most popular of all house plants. They are attractive, durable and easy to grow vines that have smooth, leathery, heart shaped leaves with distinctive marbling alternating along rope-like green stems.
In Propigation:$5
Epipremnum aureum 'Manjula' Manjula pothos shows off creamy-white leaves edged and variegated in green.
In Propigation:$15
Pothos 'Marble Queen' has beautiful green and white marbled foliage, its white background is heavly flecked with green. I have found that Marble queen has a habit of reverting to a solid green and would suggest if this happens you remove the solid foliage as to not let it overpower the varigated sections.
In Propigation:$5
An electric green color variation on the standard Pothos. 'Neon' has all of the tough, reliable features houseplant lovers have come to expect from Pothos showing off its glowing, neon-green foliage. Grow this one in a hanging basket or let it grow up a moss pole to really show off its beauty.
In Propigation:$5
Pothos N'joy is another fine example of this easy to grow house plant. N'joy features a leaf with a white margin surrounding the green center which at times can be different shades of green. Easy to grow as a hanging plant on a pole or just enjoyed in a pot. As apposed to Pearls and Jade N'joy does not show speckling in the white areas however it may show some at times.
In Propigation:$5
Pearls and Jade pothos is a sport of the variety 'Marble Queen' and features smaller white-edged, gray-green leaves streaked with cream, white, and gray. It's smaller and slower-growing than other pothos varieties. Pearls and Jade is sometimes confused with N'joy however N'joy does not have the additional splashes of green in the white sections.
In Propigation:$10
Marvelous corrugated/waffled deep green leaves, developing windows and inner lobees as matures, closely set on a tough stemmed scandent vine. Also known as "Panama Shingle Plant."
Scindapsus pictus 'Green Satin'
I found this Scindapsus while plant shopping but can't seem to find any detailed information on this named variety. I have leaf checked it against 'Silver Ann' and 'Silver Satin'. This plant seems to have more green than silver on the leaves with small flecks of silver showing. An interesting addition. New to us so propigation will be forth coming.
Scindapsus pictus 'Silver Ann'
SCINDAPSUS PICTUS SILVER ANN - SILVER ANN POTHOS - SILVERY ANN POTHOS - A new variety with velvet textured green leaves that have a metallic silver patching. A very irregular leaf pattern with some leaves fully silver. Similar but different than Satin Pothos. Vining or trailing habit.
In Propigation:$7.50
Scindapsus pictus 'Silver Satin'
Silver Satin is very similar to 'Silver Ann' in its appearance however this plant has larger heart shaped leaves that show off a metallic silver spotting and patching. Makes a great plant in a hanging basket or growing up a moss pole.
In Propigation:$7.50
Syngonium podophyllum albo-variegatum
"French marble" Irregular patches of pure paperwhite on deep green arrowhead leaves. Easy and beautiful. The only clone with pure white patches.
In Growth
Syngonium podophyllum 'Blinding Light'
A beautiful vining Syngonium that has now developed it's adult shaped leaves. Very high variegation on this rarely seen plant.
In Growth
Pale parchment-lime irregular arrowhead leaves with dramatic deep emerald central flame & delicate green rims. Unique. Much sought after by collectors (we have increased our number of stock plants to assure constant availability) because the designs are distinct and visually arresting. Beautiful cultivar with closely clustering extraordinary foliage. Sometimes called "Jade Magic"
In Growth
Syngonium podophyllum mottled Arrowhead
"Mottled Arrowhead" Very striking irregular yellow ochre slashes and patches over the entire surface--often these raised variegations twist the horned leaves into monstrose puckered shapes. Vigorous selection by the late Gene Calkins. Very vigorous, very flashy.
In Growth